Employee Spotlight: Wes Isaacs

It’s time to a highlight another member of our team with our next Employee Spotlight!

Today we’re getting to know a bit more about Wes Isaacs!

How long have you been working at MVSS?
20 years.

Describe MVSS in one word:

What is your favorite part or memory of working at MVSS?
Matt Streib and a shirtless former employee running a 40-yard dash in the parking lot.

What piece of advice would you give your younger self?
Under no circumstances should you order medium rare at Farm Burger Asheville March 2019.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

What’s the last song you Karaoked?
Night Moves by Bob Seger

What, if anything, are you currently binge-watching or reading?
Reading “Modern Lager Beer” by Jack Hendler & Joe Connelly

What’s one thing on your bucket list?
Catching a show at the Gorge in Washington.