Everyone loves a little competition here at The Valley. The following starts October 17th and goes thru December 16th. Choose one or both and enjoy! Healthy body, healthy mind!
Competition #1:
Anyone who wants to participate in tracking their daily steps and work outs will be put into a weekly prize drawing. Workouts must consist of a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise in order to be accounted for.
Competition #2:
Choose 3 of the following movements and see how you improve! Weigh ins and base line testing are to be completed the week of October 17th. Employees are then to re-test the week of December 12th. This fitness challenge is to see your personal improvement from start to finish. The person with the greatest percentage of improvement and the highest reps will receive an award.
Activities (max reps without rest):
- Weight loss
- Mile Run for time
- Pull-ups
- Plank for time
- Sit-ups
- Push-ups
- Box squat
- Pull downs
- Dumbbell Press
You don’t have to be GREAT to START but have to START to be GREAT! Commit to be fit!